Gain xp in the A3 Dojo - Get input on your problem has started a new resource called MTL A3 Dojo. You submit your A3 to the world and people comment on how great a job you're doing!
What's an A3?
An A3 is a one page document summarizing a project or problem you're working on. The name A3 comes from the size of the paper, which to us North Americans converts roughly to 11 x 17.
As someone once described an A3 to me: "The Japanese have no patience for flipping through 80 page reports. They want to see the critical information on one page."
There's a certain technique for creating this one-pager. It's not just a sheet of paper. It's a whole way of thinking. And many books have
You could almost say it's a Standardized Work for problem solving.
I can't clearly describe an A3 in one blog post. That's why the A3 Dojo is perfect for learning. You can view real-life A3's that people are working on. You can see how other people think. You can see how they put their thoughts to paper.
Lean games and simulations are great for demonstrating Lean techniques. But nothing beats the real thing!
I've added the A3 Dojo to my Helpful Lean Tools and Downloads page.
Update: The A3 Dojo is no longer available.
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