MIT Lego Simulation

I wrote a post on the Dice Game earlier and have found more from MIT Open Courseware. There are a series of lectures available on youtube, one of which is a full-fletched Lean Lego simulation where airplanes are built out of Lego blocks. If you want to experience a Lego game, but don't have the group or kits to work with, you can live vicariously through this video. 

Starting with a review of the benefits of simulation based learning, it touches on a review of lean material and then into plenty of discussion of the simulation, what went wrong, what improvements were made and the different approaches taken by each group. Running at over 30 minutes, the video might be a tad long to show to your own group, but it may be beneficial to see first hand how these games are run, for those that don't have any experience with lean games, or even for those that do!


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